Trail Structures

We’re looking to build a walking trail. And around it, we’re looking to build several structures. These structures are going to have multiple purposes.

On the one hand, we hope to build these so that our patrons can have little shelters to take a break from any outdoor activities. It’s also possible that we would rent these out individually for small picnics and get togethers.

In addition, we hope that each of these shelters can serve as a waypoint around our trail that depicts the Sanders’ worldwide travels and helps interpret our collection.

The plans for these shelters, as drawn, provide a great jumping off point for a discussion on the overall size and structural features that we are seeking for all of these shelters.

However, it is our hope to work with a builder that will work with us in discovering different ways to alter the decorative elements of these shelters so that each shelter represents a general area the Sanders travelled. 

In short, we hope that all of these shelters will be built roughly the same way, but we’re looking to give each one a unique decorative style, or flavor.

As of now, we have identified eight different regions or continents that we want to pursue:

Out of these eight, the final two are the most likely to be cut due to budget considerations. We’re in North America, after all. And while we’d love to have an icy looking shelter, we’re just not aware of a product that can provide that look and stay fairly white in the middle of the woods. But we’re open to suggestions that can make that happen.

Additionally, please find a link to map coordinates for these shelters here. There will be site work, including tree removal, at most of these locations.

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